Royal Wedding (1951)

Jane Powell Keeps Up with Fred Astaire, Peter Lawford Goes Shoeless, & Sarah Churchill Can't Dance. From 1951, it's Royal Wedding.

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In the meantime, enjoy watching Fred Astaire’s iconic ceiling dance below.  Fred dreamed of creating a dance like this since the 1920s, and in Royal Wedding (1951), he finally got his chance.

The illusion of Fred dancing on the ceiling was created by a using a specially built set/dance floor within a rotating drum.

royal wedding

And while you’re here, take a look at Fred’s & Jane’s most celebrated dance from the film. 

Commendably, Jane keeps up with the legendary Fred, and infuses the dance with so much personality she just about steals the scene.

You can find my other articles on Jane Powell here.

Thanks for your patience! My article on Royal Wedding  will be back up soon [aff. link].

royal wedding

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