Billy Travilla: A Fashion Tribute
Billy Travilla Creates Marilyn Monroe’s Iconic Look, Gets Errol Flynn to Wear Tights, Wins An Academy Award, and Can Out Pleat Anyone!
Billy Travilla Creates Marilyn Monroe’s Iconic Look, Gets Errol Flynn to Wear Tights, Wins An Academy Award, and Can Out Pleat Anyone!
Jane Russell Becomes a Redhead, Howard Hughes Leaves the Movies, & Jane Starts Her Own Production Company. It’s The Revolt of Mamie Stover.
Marilyn Monroe Proves She’s A Star, Jane Russell Becomes a Mom, & Joan Crawford is Scandalized. From 1953, it’s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
Jane Russell is a War Bride, Bob Hope Almost Gets Blood Poisoning, Jane & Bob Become Best Buds, and Mountains Move! It’s 1948’s The Paleface.
Jane Russell Helps the Children, Says No to Howard Hughes’ Bra Design, Needs Her Sleep, & Proves That Church Ladies Can Curse Like Sailors.
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